How to maintain your foam cushions

Foam cushion care Foam cushion care

Nobody has a never-ending budget to spend on home décor projects. For this reason, it’s crucial to take care of what we have so that it will last for years to come, and this includes your foam cushions.

Here at AnyFoam, we are committed to getting the most from anything you buy from us and have put together this guide on how to take care of your foam cushions and make it last longer.

Keeping your cushions looking great, feeling great and staying in great shape so that you can enjoy them for a very long time isn’t hard to do. Follow these simple steps to prolong the life of your foam cushions:

Order the correct size foam

When you order from AnyFoam, you must get the right size. If you opt to add a wrap to your foam, you’re going to provide it with extra support to keep it in shape and protected. We supply a foam wrapping option called poly fibre which is also known as dacron. The benefit of adding a wrap is that your cushions will then be plumper and more comfortable. It will also afford the foam some protection as it will be slightly stiffer than without the wrap, which will help them last longer.

Regular maintenance

Turn and plump your cushions regularly to ensure that they have even wear; this goes a long way, making your cushions last longer. Ensure there are not any cushions getting their fair share of air and use.

Cleaning your foam cushions

If there is spillage on your foam cushions, it’s wise to take immediate action. You can either go with spot cleaning or wash the entire foam cushion. However, if you go with the latter, you have to give the foam cushion time to dry thoroughly before using it again. It would help if you avoided dampness, or there could be some development of mildew. Some people prefer to send their foam cushions to dry cleaners.

Taking care of your foam cushions Taking care of your foam cushions

If you decide to wash, we advise you to hand wash your foam cushions with a mild detergent and rinse. Some people prefer to do this in the bathtub as there’s plenty of space to check that you have thoroughly rinsed the detergent from it.

A complete wash should be done annually and can be scheduled to happen in warmer weather when you can put your cushions outside to dry in the sunshine. Be sure to allow plenty of time for cushions to dry; otherwise, you could be inviting mildew.

One way to tell whether they are dry or not is to weigh them before you wash them. Throughout the drying time, weigh them, and when they return to their original weight, they are dry.

Don’t wrap your cushions in plastic

You can help this happen by avoiding wrapping your cushions in plastic. The circulation of air will help to keep them fresher without mould or mildew growth.

As you can see, it’s not so hard to keep your foam cushions in good condition and help them to last for years. Foam is generally durable and will perform well, but by taking the time to freshen them up regularly, you’ll be keeping them on the right path.

Taking simple steps to care for your foam cushions can make all the difference in how long you have them and what condition they stay in. If you need any further information about caring for your foam to prolong its lifespan, contact us and speak to one of our assistants.

Feel free to contact us to discuss any of your requirements.

infographic looking after foam cushions
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