Best Upholstery Books: How to Upholster with Foam

The beginners guide to upholstery The beginners guide to upholstery

If you're like most of our customers, you are interested in upholstery with foam, but you don't know where to start.

As you can imagine, we've had a fair amount of experience ourselves, but we still love to be inspired by some of the best books available on this topic.

We've put together a review of the top three books on upholstery with foam. This will save you from doing your own research and will hopefully inspire you to get going on your upholstery projects.

No.1 - The Beginner's Guide to Upholstery: 10 achievable DIY upholstery and reupholstery projects for your home by Alex Law and Posy Gentles

Written by a self-confessed hoarder of fabric, you won't be able to help to feel inspired by this book. Vicky Grub runs her own studio in Bournemouth and has had everybody from Paloma Faith to John Lewis as customers. She's also been in several glossy design magazines.

The great thing about this book is that it shows you how to get started on ten different projects to see which approach to take. You'll find plenty of photos and illustrations that explain how to handle tricky corners and more.

You're also supplied with a list of what you need, ideal fabrics, and this tells you how to use foam and a staple gun to best effect without moving onto the more advanced and challenging upholstery techniques such as horsehair stuffing.

Step by step foam upholstery Step by step foam upholstery

If you've got a chair, some fabric, and you are ready to get stuck in with confidence, then we recommend this book as the best starting point. You'll be guided on what tools you need and shown how to apply them to the best effect in this well laid out guide.

No.2 - Spruce: A Step-By-Step Guide To Upholstery And Design Hardcover – Illustrated, 22 Oct. 2013 by Amanda Brown

A professional upholsterer in America has authored this book. She's got a bit of a different style from the previous book, and you're likely to feel very inspired by her results.

As opposed to the top book, there are just five projects undertaken but done with real aplomb. There's excellent detail and depth about what to do and how to handle a sofa, three chairs and an ottoman. Of course, you may see something that makes you feel intimidated, but this book will give you all you need to help you to jump in and give it a go.

There are more than 900 photos with step by step directions. The author is an exceptional teacher and helps you every step of the way so that you can reupholster any piece from your mother's slipper chair to an armchair in your own style. This book removes the mystery of upholstery with foam and gives you a no-nonsense approach to get it done.

The upholstery Bible The upholstery Bible

No.3 - The Upholstery Bible: Complete Step-by-Step Techniques for Professional Results by Cherry Dobson

This book is better suited to those who have had some experience doing upholstery with foam. Some of the techniques detailed are more for the advanced upholsterer than the beginner. You'll learn more about the tools and materials required in addition to the techniques. There will be a look at which foams will give you the best results. The technique section will go into stuffing, stitching and finishing for the best outcome.

You'll get the tips of the experienced author and find out how to solve some of the more challenging problems that can come with upholstery. You'll learn how to upholster with springs. However, some reviewers said that they used it as a beginner. It was instrumental in its coverage of essential tools as the quality of the photos and explanations were beneficial.

Now it's your turn. Go out there, get a book, watch a few videos and discover how to upholster with foam – on everything from armchairs to dining chairs to ottoman boxes.

Feel free to contact us to discuss any of your requirements.

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